Wednesday 5 March, 20:46:08

Weather forecast - |


15 days forecast of the range of maximum temperatures, precipitations + general type of weather in Belgium

(Usually the highest values ​​are in urban areas, the lower Meuse valley, the Gaume and in the Campine, except in the cold season where these values occur mainly in the coastal area; the lowest values are largely expected on the highlands of the Ardennes)



24-hour forecast (10 AM - 10 AM) (According to deterministic and operational models: MULTIMODELE BMCB)


Update 05-03-25, 8 AM


🌡 Maximum temperatures: 12-17°C (national range)

🌧 Precipitation (10 AM - 10 AM):

  • North of the Scheldt: 0 L/m²
  • Between the Scheldt and Sambre-Meuse: 0 L/m²
  • South of Sambre-Meuse: 0 L/m²

🔹 Morning: Very sunny weather.
➡️ Wind: South, with maximum speeds of 5-15 km/h.

🔹 Afternoon: Very sunny weather.
➡️ Wind: South to southwest, with maximum speeds of 10-15 km/h.

🔹 Overnight: Clear skies; by the end of the night, some thin cirrus clouds near the French border.
🌡 Minimum temperatures: 0 to +5°C, but -1 to -6°C in the Ardennes valleys.
➡️ Wind: Southeast to south, with maximum speeds of 5-15 km/h.

🔹 Tomorrow morning: Sunny weather with thin cirrus clouds at high altitude.
➡️ Wind: South, with maximum speeds of 10-20 km/h.


Update of March 4, 2025, 3:00 PM

Forecast for the coming days

(Based on deterministic and operational models)

Thursday, March 6

🌡 Maximum temperatures: 11/18°C (national range)
🌧 Precipitation (00-00h):

  • North of the Scheldt: 0 L/m²
  • Between the Scheldt and Sambre-et-Meuse: 0 L/m²
  • South of Sambre-et-Meuse: 0-6 L/m²
    🌬 Windy conditions: 30-50 km/h
    🔹 Morning: Sunny with some high and mid-altitude clouds
    🔹 Afternoon: Sunny with some high and mid-altitude clouds
    🔹 Night: Mostly clear with some high-altitude clouds; slight frost only in eastern valleys

Friday, March 7

🌡 Maximum temperatures: 12/19°C (national range)
🌧 Precipitation (00-00h):

  • North of the Scheldt: 0 L/m²
  • Between the Scheldt and Sambre-et-Meuse: 0 L/m²
  • South of Sambre-et-Meuse: 0 L/m²
    🔹 Morning: Sunny with a few high-altitude clouds
    🔹 Afternoon: Sunny with a few high-altitude clouds
    🔹 Night: Mostly clear with some high-altitude clouds; slight frost only in eastern valleys

Saturday, March 8

🌡 Maximum temperatures: 13/20°C (national range)
🌧 Precipitation (00-00h):

  • North of the Scheldt: 0 L/m²
  • Between the Scheldt and Sambre-et-Meuse: 0 L/m²
  • South of Sambre-et-Meuse: 0 L/m²
    🔹 Morning: Sunny with a few high-altitude clouds
    🔹 Afternoon: Sunny with a few high-altitude clouds
    🔹 Night: Mostly clear with some high-altitude clouds; slight frost only in eastern valleys

Sunday, March 9

🌡 Maximum temperatures: 12/18°C (national range)
🌧 Precipitation (00-00h):

  • North of the Scheldt: 0-1 L/m²
  • Between the Scheldt and Sambre-et-Meuse: 0-1 L/m²
  • South of Sambre-et-Meuse: 1-3 L/m²
    🔹 Morning: Mostly sunny but becoming cloudy or overcast near the French border
    🔹 Afternoon: Some (light) rain
    🔹 Night: Some (light) rain, mainly inland

Monday, March 10

🌡 Maximum temperatures: 10/16°C (national range)
🌧 Precipitation (00-00h):

  • North of the Scheldt: 0-2 L/m²
  • Between the Scheldt and Sambre-et-Meuse: 0-3 L/m²
  • South of Sambre-et-Meuse: 1-5 L/m²
    🔹 Morning: Variable skies with lingering rain in the north
    🔹 Afternoon: Clearing up from the west
    🔹 Night: Cloudy with some rain in the southeast

Probable Trend (up to 15 days)

(Based on ensemble averages & AIFS & GCGFS models)

Tuesday, March 11

🌡 Maximum temperatures: 7/11°C (national range)
🌧 Precipitation: 0-1 L/m² (national range)

  • Mostly dry

Wednesday, March 12

🌡 Maximum temperatures: 3/9°C (national range)
🌧 Precipitation: 0-1 L/m² (national range)

  • Mostly dry

Thursday, March 13

🌡 Maximum temperatures: 5/10°C (national range)
🌧 Precipitation: 0 L/m² (national range)

  • Dry weather

Friday, March 14

🌡 Maximum temperatures: 6/11°C (national range)
🌧 Precipitation: 0 L/m² (national range)

  • Dry weather

Saturday, March 15

🌡 Maximum temperatures: 7/12°C (national range)
🌧 Precipitation: 1-2 L/m² (national range)

  • Light rain

Sunday, March 16

🌡 Maximum temperatures: 5/11°C (national range)
🌧 Precipitation: 0-1 L/m² (national range)

  • Mostly dry

Monday, March 17

🌡 Maximum temperatures: 6/13°C (national range)
🌧 Precipitation: 0 L/m² (national range)

  • Dry weather

Tuesday, March 18

🌡 Maximum temperatures: 7/13°C (national range)
🌧 Precipitation: 0 L/m² (national range)

  • Dry weather


Copyright Luc Trullemans, only for publication on &


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