Saturday 21 December, 13:34:04

Weather forecast - |


15 days forecast of the range of maximum temperatures, precipitations + general type of weather in Belgium

(Usually the highest values ​​are in urban areas, the lower Meuse valley, the Gaume and in the Campine, except in the cold season where these values occur mainly in the coastal area; the lowest values are largely expected on the highlands of the Ardennes)


Updated December 21
Forecasts and trends for the period up to January 4, 2025
Based on deterministic and operational models + IFS

Sunday, December 22

  • Maximum temperatures: 5–11°C (national range)
  • Precipitation (L/m²):
    • Both Flanders: 2–15
    • Central regions: 3–10
    • South of Sambre/Meuse: 5–20
  • Windy conditions: 55–85 km/h

Morning: Cloudy/variable skies with frequent rain or hail showers, along with wet snow above 400m and snow above 600m.
Afternoon: Cloudy/variable skies. Rain or hail showers persist in the northeastern half of the country, with wet snow above 400m and snow above 600m. Clear spells in the west and southwest.
Overnight: Mostly variable cloudiness with widespread rain in lowlands and snow turning into wet snow above 500m.

Monday, December 23

  • Maximum temperatures: 1–9°C (national range)
  • Precipitation (L/m²):
    • Both Flanders: 0–5
    • Central regions: 2–10
    • South of Sambre/Meuse: 2–15
  • Windy conditions: 55–75 km/h

Morning: Cloudy/variable skies with showers and wet snow above 500m. Drier conditions in the southwest.
Afternoon: Similar to the morning, with showers and wet snow above 500m. Drier in the southwest.
Overnight: Last showers of wet snow above 400m and snow above 600m in the Ardennes; clearer elsewhere.

Tuesday, December 24

  • Maximum temperatures: 1–8°C (national range)
  • Precipitation (L/m²):
    • Both Flanders: 0–3
    • Central regions: 0–3
    • South of Sambre/Meuse: 0–2

Morning: Clear spells in the eastern half of the country; cloudy skies with light rain/drizzle in the west.
Afternoon: Overcast with a risk of light drizzle.
Overnight: Cloudy skies.

Wednesday, December 25

  • Maximum temperatures: 4–10°C (national range)
  • Precipitation (L/m²):
    • Both Flanders: 0–1
    • Central regions: 0–1
    • South of Sambre/Meuse: 0–2

Morning: Cloudy skies, increasingly misty in the west, with a risk of light drizzle.
Afternoon: Mostly cloudy and misty.
Overnight: Generally cloudy skies with mist and rare clearings in the southeast.

Thursday, December 26

  • Maximum temperatures: 4–8°C (national range)
  • Precipitation (L/m²):
    • Both Flanders: 0
    • Central regions: 0
    • South of Sambre/Meuse: 0

Morning: Low stratus clouds dissipating in the southwest and southeast.
Afternoon: Persistent low stratus clouds in central and western areas; clearer in the southeast.
Overnight: Potential clear spells with a risk of light frost.

Friday, December 27

  • Maximum temperatures: 4–7°C (national range)
  • Precipitation (L/m²):
    • Both Flanders: 0
    • Central regions: 0
    • South of Sambre/Meuse: 0

Morning: Sunny with some stratus clouds lingering in the northwest.
Afternoon: Sunny weather.
Overnight: Clear to partly cloudy skies with widespread light frost.

Saturday, December 28

  • Maximum temperatures: 2–6°C (national range)
  • Precipitation (L/m²):
    • Both Flanders: 0
    • Central regions: 0
    • South of Sambre/Meuse: 0

Morning: Risk of stratus clouds in the northwest; sunny elsewhere.
Afternoon: Similar conditions as the morning.
Overnight: Risk of stratus and fog in the northwest; clear skies elsewhere with widespread frost, possibly moderate south of the Sambre and Meuse valley.

Sunday, December 29

  • Maximum temperatures: 1–6°C (national range)
  • Precipitation (L/m²):
    • Both Flanders: 0
    • Central regions: 0
    • South of Sambre/Meuse: 0

Morning: Cloudy skies in the northwest and center, but still clear in the east.
Afternoon: Same as the morning.
Overnight: Cloudy skies with fog risk; clear spells in the Ardennes. Widespread frost, moderate south of the Sambre and Meuse valley.

Likely Trends (Based on Ensembles & IFS)

Monday, December 30

  • Maximum temperatures: 1–7°C (national range)
  • Precipitation: 0–1 L/m² (national range)
  • Mostly dry weather.

Tuesday, December 31

  • Maximum temperatures: 0–8°C (national range)
  • Precipitation: 0 L/m² (national range)
  • Dry weather.

Wednesday, January 1

  • Maximum temperatures: 1–8°C (national range)
  • Precipitation: 10–15 L/m² (national range)
  • Considerable precipitation, with wet snow or snow in the High Ardennes.

Thursday, January 2

  • Maximum temperatures: 0–7°C (national range)
  • Precipitation: 5–6 L/m² (national range)
  • Precipitation, with wet snow or snow in the High Ardennes.

Friday, January 3

  • Maximum temperatures: -1–6°C (national range)
  • Precipitation: 5–10 L/m² (national range)
  • Precipitation with snow in the High Ardennes.

Saturday, January 4

  • Maximum temperatures: -1–6°C (national range)
  • Precipitation: 2–4 L/m² (national range)
  • Light precipitation and occasional light snow in the High Ardennes.


Copyright Luc Trullemans, only for publication on &


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