15 days forecast of the range of maximum temperatures, precipitations + general type of weather in Belgium
(Usually the highest values are in urban areas, the lower Meuse valley, the Gaume and in the Campine, except in the cold season where these values occur mainly in the coastal area; the lowest values are largely expected on the highlands of the Ardennes)
24-hour forecast (10 AM - 10 AM) (According to deterministic and operational models: MULTIMODELE BMCB)
Update 05-03-25, 8 AM
🌡 Maximum temperatures: 12-17°C (national range)
🌧 Precipitation (10 AM - 10 AM):
- North of the Scheldt: 0 L/m²
- Between the Scheldt and Sambre-Meuse: 0 L/m²
- South of Sambre-Meuse: 0 L/m²
🔹 Morning: Very sunny weather.
➡️ Wind: South, with maximum speeds of 5-15 km/h.
🔹 Afternoon: Very sunny weather.
➡️ Wind: South to southwest, with maximum speeds of 10-15 km/h.
🔹 Overnight: Clear skies; by the end of the night, some thin cirrus clouds near the French border.
🌡 Minimum temperatures: 0 to +5°C, but -1 to -6°C in the Ardennes valleys.
➡️ Wind: Southeast to south, with maximum speeds of 5-15 km/h.
🔹 Tomorrow morning: Sunny weather with thin cirrus clouds at high altitude.
➡️ Wind: South, with maximum speeds of 10-20 km/h.
Update of March 4, 2025, 3:00 PM
Forecast for the coming days
(Based on deterministic and operational models)
Thursday, March 6
🌡 Maximum temperatures: 11/18°C (national range)
🌧 Precipitation (00-00h):
- North of the Scheldt: 0 L/m²
- Between the Scheldt and Sambre-et-Meuse: 0 L/m²
- South of Sambre-et-Meuse: 0-6 L/m²
🌬 Windy conditions: 30-50 km/h
🔹 Morning: Sunny with some high and mid-altitude clouds
🔹 Afternoon: Sunny with some high and mid-altitude clouds
🔹 Night: Mostly clear with some high-altitude clouds; slight frost only in eastern valleys
Friday, March 7
🌡 Maximum temperatures: 12/19°C (national range)
🌧 Precipitation (00-00h):
- North of the Scheldt: 0 L/m²
- Between the Scheldt and Sambre-et-Meuse: 0 L/m²
- South of Sambre-et-Meuse: 0 L/m²
🔹 Morning: Sunny with a few high-altitude clouds
🔹 Afternoon: Sunny with a few high-altitude clouds
🔹 Night: Mostly clear with some high-altitude clouds; slight frost only in eastern valleys
Saturday, March 8
🌡 Maximum temperatures: 13/20°C (national range)
🌧 Precipitation (00-00h):
- North of the Scheldt: 0 L/m²
- Between the Scheldt and Sambre-et-Meuse: 0 L/m²
- South of Sambre-et-Meuse: 0 L/m²
🔹 Morning: Sunny with a few high-altitude clouds
🔹 Afternoon: Sunny with a few high-altitude clouds
🔹 Night: Mostly clear with some high-altitude clouds; slight frost only in eastern valleys
Sunday, March 9
🌡 Maximum temperatures: 12/18°C (national range)
🌧 Precipitation (00-00h):
- North of the Scheldt: 0-1 L/m²
- Between the Scheldt and Sambre-et-Meuse: 0-1 L/m²
- South of Sambre-et-Meuse: 1-3 L/m²
🔹 Morning: Mostly sunny but becoming cloudy or overcast near the French border
🔹 Afternoon: Some (light) rain
🔹 Night: Some (light) rain, mainly inland
Monday, March 10
🌡 Maximum temperatures: 10/16°C (national range)
🌧 Precipitation (00-00h):
- North of the Scheldt: 0-2 L/m²
- Between the Scheldt and Sambre-et-Meuse: 0-3 L/m²
- South of Sambre-et-Meuse: 1-5 L/m²
🔹 Morning: Variable skies with lingering rain in the north
🔹 Afternoon: Clearing up from the west
🔹 Night: Cloudy with some rain in the southeast
Probable Trend (up to 15 days)
(Based on ensemble averages & AIFS & GCGFS models)
Tuesday, March 11
🌡 Maximum temperatures: 7/11°C (national range)
🌧 Precipitation: 0-1 L/m² (national range)
- Mostly dry
Wednesday, March 12
🌡 Maximum temperatures: 3/9°C (national range)
🌧 Precipitation: 0-1 L/m² (national range)
- Mostly dry
Thursday, March 13
🌡 Maximum temperatures: 5/10°C (national range)
🌧 Precipitation: 0 L/m² (national range)
- Dry weather
Friday, March 14
🌡 Maximum temperatures: 6/11°C (national range)
🌧 Precipitation: 0 L/m² (national range)
- Dry weather
Saturday, March 15
🌡 Maximum temperatures: 7/12°C (national range)
🌧 Precipitation: 1-2 L/m² (national range)
- Light rain
Sunday, March 16
🌡 Maximum temperatures: 5/11°C (national range)
🌧 Precipitation: 0-1 L/m² (national range)
- Mostly dry
Monday, March 17
🌡 Maximum temperatures: 6/13°C (national range)
🌧 Precipitation: 0 L/m² (national range)
- Dry weather
Tuesday, March 18
🌡 Maximum temperatures: 7/13°C (national range)
🌧 Precipitation: 0 L/m² (national range)
- Dry weather
Copyright Luc Trullemans, only for publication on &
Graphics - General Forecast:
Analysis & Forecast maps :
Thermal anomalies:
City forecast from ECMWF:,50.822,4.352,12,i:pressure/ (replace location left above)
City forecast from ICON:,temp,50.822,4.352,12,i:pressure,m:e3Tagiq/ (replace location left above )